a long time coming

well I’ve been putting it off and putting it off and next thing I know it has been a month since the last blog. I have a tendency to do that. There are so many things I want to do here that we have been putting off saying “I will do that next year” and now there is no next year. Every year we go to the Carnival parade in town and every year we have fun. This year was no exception. Every year I say that I am going to be more outgoing at it, wave my hands and shout Alaaf! and get more candy and stuff thrown at me. But ofcourse this year I was quiet and ended up with a few crap candies and “nuns butts”(donuts, don’t ask ;-) ). But indeed we had fun, and it was hard to think that this will be our last time for a while…. I won’t say forever since that is a long time and I know we will be back in the future. Now I know there was a point to this story but it seems to have left me at the moment.

I am looking around this room at the moment and thinking that we have a lot of work to do. We have a collection of about 400-500 little bottles of alcohol and I am trying to figure out how in the world we are going to get those over there. They still have alcohol in them since Dennis won’t let me drink them (the bastard) so this is going to be interesting. Then there is all the furniture, the little items we are not wanting to take, the old vases and things that haven’t made the list of things we can’t live with out. When should we start to sell this stuff? I have this vision of us in the end sleeping on ground surrounded by boxes and stacks of kitchen stuff.

About the kitchen stuff…. I can not stand to part with my kitchen things. If I had millions of dollars, or a shopping spree in any store, it would be kitchen, books, office supplies and groceries….. We have a pretty nice size kitchen with loads of storage space and surprise, surprise, it is all full….. I have to rearrange it everytime I get something new or I want to use a particular plate or bowl, but I can not live with out this stuff…. who knows when I might need to use a icecream maker (wedding present), a kitchen torch (which I have used a few times) and numerous cocktail plates and party dishes (we are so social, our circle of contacts is Dennis’ family and my few friends…. and none come over to our house since it is a mess). I think when we move we will have more of a social life and can use all this great stuff…. oh, by the way, we have a wonderful icecream maker for sale LOL. I am planning to use it though at some point. And this time I mean it :D .

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