And nothing remains the same

Ok, by the title you might be thinking this is going to be another depressing one with all the things that  will miss and melancholy will settle in, but have no fear, it is not. This is the title of a metal album from PAIN that I have been listening to a lot. The ones that opened for Nightwish that I saw months ago. I just like the title, and it is true, nothing does remain the same.

Life is a funny little bugger that throws you curve balls, makes you jump through hoops and eventually there will be a finish line. It leads you down various paths, and like Frost wrote, “I took the one less traveled by, and that has made all the difference”.  The only thing is, as you walk down these paths of life, you need to stop and look around and marvel in what has been and what is now. You might miss something. The little things that make that path so different and so unique.

This side path to Europe that I am on has taken me to places of the past. I am talking about history LOL. It has opened my eyes to things that you only see in books in America but don’t feel. The old architecture, the way the stone floors of centuries old churches feel under your feet, the echo that bounces off the walls and pillars as you try to tread softly. Seeing and feeling the limestone pillars worn away by the ghosts of the past touching the surface. The air of these caverns of light and God filled with the breaths of the past. I think of these things and smile since I have been fortunate enough to experience them. Yes, I will miss them, but I am looking forward to the way the Earth will bounce under my feet as we walk in the nature of the Rockies. So I will not be giving up anything but will be trading it for something even older than the cold stone of man’s history.

I was with my friends this weekend watching horror and being stupid in general. It was brilliant. We went in to Genk in Belgium and listened to some of the music from the open air free festival they had. Then we went for beer. Now I love beer. I consider myself a beer  enthusiast and  for my birthday we (Dennis, Ing, Will and I) will be going to the Beer Festival in Brussels. But I digress. Davy and I, since we were not driving, had a few beers. Now I have never, in my almost 2 years of knowing Davy, seen him drunk, or even tipsy. This is something to behold. I too was tipsy and since we had dinner at 4:30 it was time for more food at 2:30am, so we had fries in the little point sacks that typify the best in fries culinary genius. And as we were zig zagging our way back to the car, fries flying in the air as Davy whips them around to offer the left overs, I was thinking, This is going to be so much fun when they visit. It will be different, yes, but I think more intense. I’m just hoping to find some  new horror loving freaks in Colorado.

Well I guess I will close this ranting of nothingness for today. Nothing remains the same, but that is not a bad thing. As the past few months have shown me, it opens doors to the past and future. You never know what you will find and who will step through into the light. As I have found with my great friend Lord Strudel that I have reconnected with,  There are crazy people like me out there.