I’ve got the blues

Well an update to the last blog. I tried for several hours yesterday, about 7 to be exact, to get songs on to my ipod. I would get error messages and itunes would freeze every time I would try to sync the ipod with the music. I would have to unplug the ipod to get the computer to unfreeze and then have to hard reset the ipod and try it all over again. If I was lucky, I could get 40 songs on there. I was heart broken. I took my little green gem in my hands, I cradled it for a while and then put it back in the packaging and went to the store.

After explaining the situation, I told the guy exactly what I did with the troubleshooting and he was amazed. The first customer to actually try troubleshooting. He went to check the store for a new green one, but alas. The news was devestating, they only had the gray or the black ones. My heart sank. Since it was on special they weren’t counting on getting anymore in before the special was over. So I collected my money and left.

Being someone who is headstrong and stubborn as a mule, I went on the quest for another ipod. I would not accept  defeat. I noticed on my way in to the shopping complex another store was having the same offer. So I went up to Dixons. I looked in the display cabinet and there were the ipods…. a green one, a gray one, a black one and a blue one. I find a guy to help me out and I ask him for a green ipod. Much to my horror they were out of green. The guy even went to the back since they got a shipment in and they didn’t have any. Not one to take no for an answer, or the patience to wait for some to come in and then pay extra for it, I got the last of the blue ones. So I’ve got the blues baby…. and it’s pretty spiffy…. and better yet, it works ;-)

3 Responses to “I’ve got the blues”

  • Erwin says:

    Hi, I stumbled onto your weblog searching for dutch (limburgse) weblogs. I read your and your husbands story, good job :) America is a great country, to bad I only got to see a small part of it.



  • Kimberly says:

    Aw, well a blue one is nice also. :o )

  • roderic says:

    eventhough I allready heard the story firsthand It is still heartbreaking….at least it works.

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