Welcome to the 21st century…

Well this title is for me mostly…. Today I finally did it… After years of fighting it, after another year of debating whether or not my life would be enriched by this…. I finally did it… I saw it was on special at the Mediamarkt and I had to have it… I got up early, brushed my teeth and proceeded to make my self look somewhat presentable in my jeans and Batman t-shirt, and went out… I got on the bus, I rode to town, I went to the shops, and I did it… I got an ipod… an 8g nano to be precise…. and so far I love it… then again I haven’t had a chance to listen to it… I have spent the past 5 hours going over all the music I have on the computer, putting it on to my itunes library, then copying CDs that I have around, debating which ones I should add and which ones to leave out since I don’t listen to it… Trying to make my ipod say that I am an interesting person and I listen to interesting stuff…. and writing this right now I realize that I have forgotten to add a CD…

But anyway… I know I have jumped on the band wagon a little late in the game, but as the Borg would say, “Resistance is Futile”… and if you don’t know who the Borg are then this will show my true level of geekness, it is from Start Trek… So after seeing the fabulous colors that the Nano comes in I had the choose… a tough, life changing choice…. which color… Now normally I would go for something subtle, sedated and even a little grim and plain like black… The Silver/gray was a nice color as well and they had plenty of them… White would look dirty and scratched in no time knowing me, so that left me with a few other choices… Red, Pink, Blue or Green…. now Blue has never really been my color… it was one of the crayons that was used the least in my box of Crayola… And Red, being a great color, they did not have in their selection since it was a brand new color out for them and there was a limited selection and that was not there… So this left Pink, or Green… Now what do these colors say about the owner? Pink is very girlie, it says “Look at me, I have boobs, I and like Barbie, and I will conform to the ideals of the female sex”… or it just says “I like Pink” or better yet “they were out of the color I wanted”…. but then you look at green… now this is more of a springy metallic green, not a dark forest green… It is fun, fresh and looks retro as well. This is the kind of green that you get for your new VW Beetle, the one with all the fun gadgets that a guy would not be caught dead driving unless it says “this is my wife’s car”… So you would get this green ipod in the hopes to one day color coordinate your Beetle and it’s accessories with… So of course, as you can guess, I got the green…. In hopes one day to color coordinate my new Beetle I want…. So here is to the 21st century and here is to my new (imaginary at the moment) beetle….. Oh, and of course… my ipod ;-)

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