
Ok, here it is, another blog from me…. I know, a long time coming…. Well to be honest there hasn’t been THAT much to write… We went to the wedding of our friends and it was a blast. I got to meet another person from Dennis’ old group and he is awesome, just like the rest. And, of course, we get in touch with these cool people right before we leave. Other than that I really haven’t done much that would warrant a whole incoherent babbling on my part, until now….

Well today, as you might have seen in Dennis’ blog if you speak Dutch, the guy from the movers came to valuate our stuff. He was a really nice guy, everything went smoothly, and as predicted by him, we have more stuff than we thought. Well he says that most people under valuate their stuff, saying they have less than they really do…. Which I can understand. But anyway… The guy leaves and later we go to Dennis’ grandparents… Now I am really really close to Naina and Bompa (not their real names ;-) ). I love them, they are awesome…

So we are over there, having drinks and talking about the move. I am close to tears at this point and don’t want anyone to know. I  have it where I don’t want to move. I know it will be better for us in the long run and we can’t afford Amsterdam on Dennis’ paycheck but still… I have a lot of friends here and family and such…. And yes it is scary moving back to the states when I haven’t been there for so long, but still…. Part of me is really happy here… So when we get back from Naina and Bompa’s I was shocked to see 2… Yes you read that right 2… emails from people in Amsterdam that have seen my resume on Monsterboard and are interested in me…. VERDORIE!!! I know I should be happy that some people out there are interested in me for work, but come on!!! a few months too late… Oh well…. This was one of those moments where you want to scream … And the icing on the cake? Dennis gets an email from a test site saying “Stay or Go Test”… Now should I venture out and take it? or should I just sit here and silently come to my own conclusions?

4 Responses to “Verdorie”

  • roderic says:

    stay or go test… only can make conclusions after all the options are on the table….it doesn’t matter what you decide….as long it’s coming from your heart…it will always be the right choice

  • Aïda says:

    Sorry Anna, I know it’s serious matter but I still had to laugh about what you wrote. Sorry!

  • Arthur van Mourik says:

    Ha ha, “Stay or Go Test”? Boy, I can assure you that if I would have taken that test in 2000 it would strongly advised me to stay in the Netherlands and not to go to America and I would be miserable in the Netherlands by now and asking myself over and over in 2040 if I made the right decision.
    You’re on an exciting roller coaster ride now and you cannot stop it, it’s too late and after the ride you will tell everybody that it was fun even though you were scared at some moments during the ride and right now you’re in one of those scary parts.
    You guys will love it over here and Dennis will adapt so fast that you will have to remind him over and over that he’s Dutch and not native.
    Don’t forget it’s sunny here. over 320 days of sunshine although this year we might have to change that slogan, it’s August 16th right now and we can see fresh snow from last night.
    Focus on the positive things, you know that New Beetles up for adoption here are much cheaper and that includes convertibles!
    Of course it’s not Heaven here because we’re here also but you’ll have time enough to come up with excuses not to see us.

  • Kimberly says:

    Yes, don’t forget you will have job offers here as well and tons of friends! You already have 2 in Nederland, CO! :o )

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